Tuesday 28 November 2017



How can I help other people in the world? Well, there are so many ways to help. One of them is by fundraising auctions. What are fundraising auctions? There are a publicly held sale at which property or goods are sold to the highest bidder to raise money for a cause, for example to send money to poor people in Africa. So I have found one foundation called World Vision that are makind auctions every day to raise money to poor children in Zimbawe. You log in eBay, you choose your favorite object and you pay it. There are some many objects!!! Come on!! Let's make someone happy!!

Sunday 12 November 2017


Relative: Immature.
Doubt: To be uncertain about.
Sympathetic: Having, showing, being based on, or feeling sympathy.
Bland: Pleasantly gentle or agreeable.
Cheat: To lie or behave dishonestly.
Chilly: Noticeably cold.
Bonfire: A large fire built in the open air.
Chains: A series of metal rings passing through one another, used for hauling, for supporting, or as decoration.
Peek: To glance quickly or secretly.
Warehouse: A building for the storage of goods or merchandise.
Toadstool: A kind of mushroom with an umbrella like cap.
Twilight: The soft light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon.
Creak: To make a sharp, scraping, or squeaking sound.

Treasure: Wealth gathered, esp. in the form of precious metals, money, or jewels.