Sunday, 12 November 2017


Relative: Immature.
Doubt: To be uncertain about.
Sympathetic: Having, showing, being based on, or feeling sympathy.
Bland: Pleasantly gentle or agreeable.
Cheat: To lie or behave dishonestly.
Chilly: Noticeably cold.
Bonfire: A large fire built in the open air.
Chains: A series of metal rings passing through one another, used for hauling, for supporting, or as decoration.
Peek: To glance quickly or secretly.
Warehouse: A building for the storage of goods or merchandise.
Toadstool: A kind of mushroom with an umbrella like cap.
Twilight: The soft light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon.
Creak: To make a sharp, scraping, or squeaking sound.

Treasure: Wealth gathered, esp. in the form of precious metals, money, or jewels.

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