Sunday 17 June 2018


Well, last term, last post, last year at the high school. What can I do now? Next year I will study at the Lucia de Medrano and I will study subjects bound to medicine. I hope to go with my friends in the same class. About studying English, I think next year is perfect to start going to extra classes to improve and learn more. Also next year, I will try going abroad to improve also. But how was this last term? The last term has been great. I have learnt a lot. By subjects, in English, I think my best skill was Speaking. I think, in my project, I was very good, with a lot of confidence. Also I was not nervous, which was a big problem when I started the High School. Also I was great at Translation. I have improved a lot in this aspect. My worst skill this term was Writing or Vocabulary. In ICT I have learnt a lot. Maria is a very good teacher. We have learnt how to do a “infografía”. In this project Paula was my partner. Also we did an awesome project in which we had to wear as a painting. I made American gothic. It was amazing. I have passed a very good time. In the last bilingual subject, EF, I enjoyed too much. I learnt how to play volleyball, how to jump. This term we had to make a class. I learnt how to be a teacher for one day. I didn’t like. But in general I laughed a lot, I learnt a lot and I enjoyed a lot. What a form to finish this year. I will never forget this school year. Good luck to everyone in the future.


Phrasal verbs: travel.
Come across: to find or encounter, esp. by chance.
Get away: to start out; leave.
Get off: to dismount from or get out of.
See off: to accompany (someone about to go on a journey) to the place of departure.
Speed up: to increase the rate of speed of.
Stop over: to stop briefly, as overnight, in the course of a journey.
Take off: to leave the ground and rise into the air.

Nouns: weather.
Breeze: a wind or current of air, esp. a light one.
Drizzle: to rain gently and steadily.
Frost: a degree or state of coldness that is enough to cause the freezing of wáter.
Gale: a very strong wind.
Mist: a mass of tiny drops of water, resembling fog.
Sleet: rain in the form of ice pellets.

Random vocabulary
Sneeze: to produce air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and loudly through the nose and mouth by involuntary action.
Fare: the price of traveling in a bus, airplane, or other carrier.
Pedestrian: one who travels on foot.
Double-decker: something with two decks or levels.

Sunday 3 June 2018



Deny: to state that (something) is not true.

Boast: to speak (of someone or something) with exaggeration and too much pride, esp. about oneself.

Complain: to express dissatisfaction, resentment, pain, grief, etc.; find fault

Point out: to direct attention to; call attention to.

Reply: to give an answer in words or writing; respond.

Reveal: to make known; disclose; divulge.


Phoney: not real or genuine; fake.

State: a tense, nervous, or disturbed condition.

Slob: a very sloppy or bad-mannered person.

Bother: to give trouble to.



-Subject and object.  
Information about the subject and object questions.

-Question tags.
Information about the question tags.

Information about gerunds and infinitives.

-Can't: It can't be her birthday today. She had a birthday party last month.

-Could: It could be her birthday. She looks very happy.

-May: We may go out tomorrow if we finish our homework.

-Might: They might got to the concert tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

-Must: That must be the new teacher. She's carrying lots of books.



Appreciation: thankful recognition.

Consideration: sympathetic respect.

Diplomacy: the conduct by government officials of relations between nations.

Etiquette: the rules of proper social or professional behavior; manners.

Interaction: to act upon one another

Netiquette: the etiquette of computer networks, esp. the Internet.

Politeness: showing good manners.

Rudeness: impolite.

Yawn: open the mouth, usually involuntarily, and breathe in deeply, sometimes with a sighing sound and a large breath out, often caused by drowsiness or boredom.

Chew: to crush or grind (something) with the teeth.

Fine: money imposed as a penalty for an offense.

Monday 30 April 2018



3-4 min jogging and doing joint mobility.


In frontenis there are several types of beating such as: the double wall, smash, and the most used that are the forehand and backhand, which are the ones that we are going to train in this game. It will be use to warm up. We are going to put in two rows and we will train the two types of hitting. In a row we will practice the forehand and in the other the backhand, when we hit the ball they have to return to the end of the row. (4 min. In each row)

We are going to divide into groups of 6 to make a game that consists in a 3vs3 match. In this game, they always have to hit the ball in the same order and the first that reaches 9 points will win and the loser team will do 10 push-ups.

(10 min)


Finally, in the same groups, we will make couples and they will play a “rey de la pista” in matches of 7 points. The pair who loses will go out and they will make series of planch in mats. (12 min)


To finish the lesson, the students will stretch in the wall.